Research Guides
Federal Database Finder. 1995. (Ref. QA 76.9 D32 F4)
A directory of free and fee-based databases and files available from the federal government
Government Publications and Their Use. 2nd rev. ed. 1969. (Ref. Z 1223 Z7 S3)
A standard and indispensable guide to the identification of major publications of the branches of government, with emphasis on Congressional publications
Guide to U.S. Government Publications. 1999. (Ref. Z 1223 Z7 A574) & Emerald Coast Library
By Donna Andriot, this list annotates the important series, periodicals and reference tools published by U.S. government agencies.
Introduction to United States Government Information Sources. 1996. (Ref. Z 1223 Z7 M674)
A guide to publications with notes of privately published bibliographic sources. The detailed index is useful to students and specialists.
Subject Guide to U.S. Government Reference Sources. (netLibrary)
This is a selective guide to items produced by the U.S. government to help readers identify and understand the scope of key government reference sources produced by the U.S. government. The emphasis is on Access.
Tapping the Government Grapevine. 1998. (Ref. J 83 R7) & Emerald Coast Library
A directory of sources that are helpful in using government documents and locating government information
Using Government Information Sources. 1994. (Ref. J 83 S45)
A basic reference to the use of government documents, this lists sources for specific topics as well as specific strategies for finding additional information.
Research Guides - Online Tutorials
Legislative Research
Bibliographies This website connects to bibliographies compiled to guide researchers and readers to resources on the Senate and House, the Capitol and Washington, D.C., and federal and state government.
Guide on how to properly Cite U.S. Government Publications
This guide comes from Indiana University Bloomington and is promoted by the Federal Depositories Library Program as a useful resource when citing government publications.