Dean DeBolt |
Timothy Bulger
Archives Manager
(850) 474-2794
University Archives and West Florida History Center currently observes the following schedule:
Regular Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
(850) 474-3338
University Archives and West Florida History Center
UWF Libraries
Bldg. 32
11000 University Pkwy
Pensacola, FL 32514
The University Archives and West Florida History Center has approximately 800 collections totaling about 1.8 million items. A collection may consist of personal papers, manuscripts, genealogical and business records, photographs, maps, audio and video materials, and other sources of information. For most entries, we also place a ‘tickler’ collection-level entry in the library online catalog as well.
We have one of the largest research collections in existence on West Florida, its history, development, and people from earliest settlement to the present, covering aspects of the region. In addition, we are also the archives of the University of West Florida.
IMPORTANT: This website only covers a small portion of our actual collections and holdings – which include 1.8 million items in over 800 collections, 250,000 photographs, 6,000 maps, and other materials with new research materials arriving daily. Visits, phone-calls, and e-mails to the Department are highly encouraged.
Search our Guide to Manuscripts and Special Collections (Online Resource)
This link provides access to a collection description (short abstract) of each collection held in the University Archives and West Florida History Center. Each collection also has an inventory listing the folders and contents of each box of records. For example, the Guide may have a paragraph describing the collection, but the inventory could be a listing of the contents of over 100 boxes. If a collection inventory is not online (see Archon below), then it is available in the Center. (Scope: 700+ collections).
Search our ArchivesSpace Catalog (Online Resource)
The ArchivesSpace Catalog includes both the collection description and the collection inventory for searching by name, subject, title, etc. BUT … ArchivesSpace only covers about 240 of the 700 collections in the Department…this is constantly changing as we add new inventories and collections. Remember that the collection inventories can be consulted in the University Archives and West Florida History Center or by contacting the staff of the department. ArchivesSpace also includes digital objects such as digitized photographs, documents, and other files.
Using Collections
If the Guide or ArchivesSpace search does not answer your question, please contact the staff of the Department as we have numerous resources that are not online or described in the catalog and we can suggest other avenues of research in answering your question.