This guide was created for students in Professor Meredith Marten's Honors Core: Social Sciences (IDH 1041) class. "Culture, Health, & Society" explores the intersections of social science and health, including critical analyses health, healing, disease, and the social and cultural factors that interact and impact on health. This course examines health from a variety of social scientific and critical public health perspectives, and in particular, we’ll explore the ways in which we literally embody the social world we live in, producing patterns in population health, healing and death. For example, we will critically examine the social and structural determinants of health, global patterns in disease incidence and prevalence, health systems and health care access, and the political, economic, and social causes underlying inequities in health. We will also investigate the myriad ways in which healing occurs cross-culturally, including the importance of belonging, social affiliation, and the cultural meaningfulness of systems of healing and plural care.
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