Set Google Scholar to search UWF databases and electronic resources.
*Remember that you must be logged in form off-campus to actaully view the full text.
Locate a database from the list to the right (e.g., Environmental Science & Pollution Management Databases)
Search the database with keywords using filters to limit dates, types of resources, other terms, etc.
Use the full text links (pdf versions are preferred) within the database to view article
Use or to link to full text articles available in other databases
Check the list of ejournals and the library catalog to make sure UWF does not own the journal you need
Request the article from Interlibrary Loan if it is not available at UWF
Articles are delivered electronically from libraries owning the journal
You will be emailed when they articles are available
Interlibrary Loan is free and takes around 5 days for articles to arrive
The Web of Science contains several databases:
-Web of Science Core Collection
-Biological Abstracts
-KCI-Korean Journal Database
-Preprint Citation Index
-ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index
-SciELO Citation Index