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ANT 4808: Applied Anthropology

Google Scholar

Google Scholar allows you to search for scholarly and "grey" literature: articles, books, conference proceedings and presentations, white papers theses, etc., from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, and universities.

Google Scholar Search

Set Google Scholar to link to UWF Libraries resources from off-campus:

  • Click Settings in Google Scholar
  • Click Library Links
  • Type University of West Florida into the box and search
  • Check the UWF boxes
  • Click the blue SAVE button to save these settings

Remember, you need to be logged in through Remote Access to access these resources from off-campus.

Searching Google Effectively

Use GOOGLE ADVANCED SEARCH to find authoritative online sources (websites).

Enter your search term(s) and limit by domain (.edu, .gov., etc.) or document type (.pdf, .doc, .xls, etc.).

Evaluating Internet Sources

Use Google Advanced to find authoritative online sources (websites).  Enter your search term(s) and limit domain to .edu or .gov.

Use the CRAAP test for evaluating websites:

  • C - currency
  • R - relevance
  • A - authority
  • A - accuracy
  • P - purpose

Pro Tip: in general, your instructors do not consider e-journals and e-books to be online sources (the internet is your means of access)