What is a distance learner?
Distance Learners are students who live over 50 miles from our physical campuses in Pensacola and Fort Walton Beach.
What services are available for Distance Learners?
Many UWF Library resources are accessible online and are available regardless of location. These include online databases, e-books, and e-articles. However, for print resources, distance learners may request
Interlibrary Loan provides free access to materials not owned by the UWF libraries, designated lost in our catalog, or not in a format you prefer.
The first time you use the Interlibrary Loan account (login below) you will be asked to register and identify contact information. Thereafter, your information will be stored and bibliographic items will be automatically inserted if you use WorldCat or library databases.
Many of our resources may be accessed only by current UWF students, faculty, and staff. For Remote Access (off-campus), we must authenticate you as a valid UWF user before connecting you to these resources. Click the Access tab on the library home page to log in using your Argonet credentials. When the Access tab is GREEN, you have full access. If the tab is RED, you are not logged in to the library's proxy server.