Students sometimes unintentionally plagiarize for a variety of reasons. Here are some tips to help you avoid it:
*Take Careful Notes*
Keep track of sources (on the web and in print), being sure to use quotation marks around everything that comes directly from another text. Maintain an accurate bibliography of source by writing down the author, title, publisher, page number, etc, as you are taking notes.
*Remember that everything must be documented*
This includes direct quotations, paraphrases, and anything that is not "common knowledge."
*Paraphrase correctly*
Be sure you are not just rearranging or replacing a few words, here and there, from the original. Instead, read carefully through what you intend to paraphrase and rewrite the idea in your own words without looking at the original work as a guide. Double-check it against the original after you've written it.
*Don't Procrasinate!*
Many errors occur from lack of time. Don't let that be you!