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Ed. D. Library Resources

A library guide to relevant resources and information for doctoral students

Understanding Library Research

Library research can be confusing initially. Librarians use lingo that can be confusing- have you ever wondered what exactly a library database is, or why it makes a difference if you search for something through the library or use Google? Ever wondered what a catalog is, or why you should care about subject terms or boolean operators

Understanding these terms can help you become a successful library researcher- which means you will have an easier time finding the information that you need to complete your assignments...and eventually your dissertation! 

Searching Using OneSearch

What is OneSearch?

One Search  is the UWF Libraries discovery interface -it brings together results containing books, articles and other library resources in one search. One Search does not replace the library’s catalog or searching in individual databases but is an additional search tool for students looking to access books and articles in one powerful search. 

The default search on the Library home page is One Search, which will search for books, articles and other resources in both the catalog and many databases. To search just the Catalog, select the Catalog tab. For additional search options, go to the Advanced Search options.

The OneSearch box, which allows entry of search terms and limiters

How do I use OneSearch?

This short video will give you a basic overview for how to use OneSearch:

Important note for you as a doctoral student: OneSearch is a great place to start your library research, but it does not search all library resources!