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EVR 2001: Introduction to Environmental Science


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides documents and supporting materials for environment related issues such as conservation, restoration, water, air quality, energy, and much more!  You can search for specific topics, specific documents, or just browse through the various issues. 

How to cite information from the EPA

There are 2 scenarios:
1. General Information from the Website --> e.x. Basic Information About Your Drinking Water
2. Official EPA Documents (these have a document number and usually appear as a pdf) --> e.x. Risk Management Program

Treat general information like a website
Author (or agency). (Year). Title of article, only first word or proper nouns are capitalized. Retrieved from URL
US EPA. (2015). Basic information about your drinking water. Retrieved from

In-text Citation for website
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, drinking water should be clean (EPA, 2015).

Government Documents: 
Leading Agency, Sub-Agency. (Year, Month if available). Title of document: Subtitle if available. (EPA Document Number if Available). Retrieved from URL
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. (2009, March). Clean ari act section 112(r): Accidental release prevention/risk management plan rule. (EPA 560-R-09-002). Retrieved from