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FTCE/FELE Prep Guide

A collection of resources to assist students in studying for the Florida Teacher Certification Exams and Florida Educational Leadership Examination

Test Information

Tips for taking the FELE:

1. Understand the manner the FELE is structured.  The test is comprised of three sections.  These sections include Leadership for Student Understanding (70 multiple choice questions), Organizational Development (70 multiple choice questions), and System Leadership (55 multiple choice questions and written performance).

2. Assess your ability prior to study.  The FELE website ( lists the exact competencies and the manner they are represented on the test.  Determine the areas that you feel deserve your greatest attention and start with those areas.

3. Determine whether your situation would benefit from purchasing new supplies for study/seeking tutoring or if online and personal resources provide your study needs with sufficient resources.

4. Study early and often.  Scheduling your test early will permit you to motivate your study and schedule retakes as necessary.

5. Seek help from your intuition's tutor or faculty for specific questions that you feel may warrant extra aid.

Online Resources -- Free Access

Resources to be Purchased

The University of West Florida and the Teacher Education & Educational Leadership department are not endorsing any of the resources to be purchased.