OneSearch searches most of our databases, including the library catalog, at the same time. While it will also show you results for books, as well, you may limit to journal articles, including peer-reviewed journal articles, in the left-hand column. Note: it may show you articles we do not own, as well. That is what interlibrary loan is for!
Databases provide indexing of articles by subject. Use date ranges and peer reviewed or scholarly article filters to limit to academic journal articles for your paper. The following databases are relevant to art:
Locate a database from the list above.
Search the database with keywords and use filters to limit dates, types of resources, other terms, etc.
Use the full text links (pdf versions are preferred) within the database to view article
Use "Find It' or "Full Text Finder" to link to full text articles available in other databases
If an article is not available at UWF, request it on Interlibrary Loan. Articles are delivered electronically free of charge, usually within a few days, from libraries owning the journal. You will be emailed when they articles are available.
Watch the following video tutorial for help with finding scholarly articles:
You may activate the closed-captioning on this video, if desired.