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Ancient and Medieval Art

Find Books & E-Books


OneSearch searches most of our databases, including the library catalog, at the same time. While it will also show you results for articles, you may limit to books and e-books in the left-hand column. Note: it may show you books we do not own, as well. That is what interlibrary loan is for! To limit to physical books, select "Show only physical (in library) items" below. Remember! Art books may be found on the 3rd floor or in the Oversize Collection on the 4th floor.

Finding Books on the Shelf: LCC Call Numbers

Books not at UWF

If you need a book that is not available at UWF, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.  Most books are received in about 2 weeks, and you will notified when they are available for you to pick up at the Reference desk.

To identify books on your topic that UWF doesn't own, try searching WorldCat, a catalog of materials at universities, community colleges, public libraries, and other library agencies throughout the United States and internationally.

Selected Books in our Collection