In an effort to aid in student retention and assist with textbook affordability, the John C. Pace Library launched a pilot project for fall 2015 to provide select textbooks on reserve. Beginning in fall 2016, this project was expanded to include required textbooks for all 1000- through 4000-level courses. A significant benefit of this project is that undergraduate students will have access to course-required textbooks and be able to complete class assignments.
To assist with getting the word out to students, please include a statement in your syllabus about the project. We suggest wording similar to the following:
"The textbook(s) for this course are available on Reserve at the Circulation Desk at the John C. Pace Library for a 2-hour loan period (books must stay in the Library). Please take advantage of this resource, but keep in mind that copies of textbooks for each course are limited and may be in use by another student, particularly right before an assignment or reading is due, so plan your textbook use accordingly."
Please be aware that the library has only purchased the textbooks marked as “required” on the bookstore list. If you would like the library to place any recommended or supplemental texts on reserve, please complete the form available online at or contact Michael Pace, Reserves Coordinator,
The Textbook Reserves Specialist begins processing all requested materials immediately after the 45-day deadline every semester. This data arrives straight from the UWF Bookstore in the form of an HEOA extract, which is public information pursuant to federal law. From there, the Textbook Reserves Specialist ascertains whether eligible materials (e.g., required undergraduate materials available for purchase) are already owned for the program. If the item has not already been purchased, the Textbook Reserves Specialist pushes the item forward to Acquisitions. This process repeats for all eligible materials.
As of Fall 2022, the Textbook Reserves Program carries most required undergraduate textbooks and readings; we acquire our reserves shortly before the beginning of each semester. Notable exceptions to this program include materials available only by way of an access code, books only available for rental at the request of their publishers, graduate-level textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals, and texts unavailable through the campus bookstore or verified online vendors. To verify whether one of your requested textbooks fall within these exclusions, please consult our Course Reserves Catalog. If you wish to donate or have already donated materials to circumvent the difficulty in acquiring one or more of your required materials, thank you!
If you have any questions at all, please contact Michelle Finley at
Here are a few comparisons to help demarcate the Course Reserves and the Textbook Reserves and how they complement each other:
While the textbook program focuses on physical copies of the required texts, any online video/article resources will be handled by the course reserves program.
In the event that the Textbook Reserves Program cannot acquire your materials (e.g., you teach a graduate course), you are still able to donate a personal copy to the UWF Library. To place items on reserve, please complete the form available online at
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact Michael Pace at