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EUH 3122: High Middle Ages

Tips for Finding Sources

1.  Scholarly books - search the library catalog.  Look for books published by academic presses or professional organizations, or by educated scholars in the field.

2.  Scholarly articles - search OneSearch and limit results to Academic Journals, or search in a subject database.

3.  Authoritative online sources (websites) - use Google Advanced search to limit results to .edu or .gov domains

     Use the CRAAP test for evaluating websites:

  • C - currency
  • R - relevance
  • A - authority
  • A - accuracy
  • P - purpose

4. Primary sources - see the Primary Sources tab of this guide

Follow the Trail!

Following the references and footnotes in a given book or article can help you identify additional sources on a topic. This is called citation chaining.

If you find a reference in a bibliography that interests you, check OneSearch or the library catalog to see if we have it.  If we don't, you can request the title through Interlibrary Loan or UBorrow.

Dissertations & Theses

In addition to serving as sources for your own research projects, most doctoral dissertations include exhaustive literature reviews and/or extensive bibliographies, making them incredibly useful for identifying additional sources on a topic.   

Assignment Calculator

Use this Assignment Calculator to help develop a research timeline.