September - December
Dr. James Robinson, President, and former UWF International Study Coordinator Dr. Jacques Wilson return from visits to Ecuador, Panama, and the Canal Zone fostering inter-institutional education agreements between universities in these countries and the University of West Florida.
Marine biology student Jack Grove finishes seven-month voyage following footsteps of Charles Darwin visiting eight of the main Galapagos Islands and many smaller islands. He spent 45 days in the Galapagos.
UWF Theatre presents “Hot L Baltimore” at UWF
Charley Daniels Band performs at UWF, September 30
Bill Healey begins 4th year as UWF Director of Recreation.
University established event calendar to celebrate Bicentennial Year
Fountains one-bedroom apartment rented for $145.00 unfurnished.
Technical and Vocational Studies teaching laboratory for Omega College under construction. (Bldg. 70)
Enrollment up 700 students from last year.
UWF has three colleges—Alpha (Provost Dr. Lucius Ellsworth); Gamma (Provost Dr. Alfred Chaet), and Omega (Provost Dr. Harvey T. Martin).
Stan Friedman, expert UFO-ologist speaks at UWF. Voyager publishes photo of purported UFO taken from John C. Pace Library.
Harlem Globetrotters at UWF Field House, Oct. 25, 1976
Discussion begins of switching of UWF from a quarter calendar to a semester one.
UWF President Robinson distributed memorandum on alcohol consumption on campus; drinking permitted on campus in public areas and if drinkers are of legal age. Keg parties on campus in public areas need permission of security.
Legislature approves collective bargaining for faculty on university campuses.
University Theatre features “Damn Yankees”
Creation of University Chapel in doubt; originally planned by President Crosby, fund-raising has lagged.
Former UWF President Harold B. Crosby named as interim President of Florida International University.
Alpha II complex approved by Governor. (Bldgs. 75, 76). Construction may begin in late Spring 1976.
UWF student Phil Resos, 42, a member of UWF soccer team, dies of heart attack while skiing in Colorado.
January - May
UWF Program Council holds First Annual Winter Carnival, January 30.
UWF wins right to set visitation hours for student housing and dormitories. Previous hours (2 pm to midnight, Sunday-Thursday, 2 pm to 2 am weekends) were established statewide by Board of Regents.
Black Festival Week is celebrated in February. Keynote speaker is Dick Gregory at UWF Fieldhouse on February 17, 1976.
Statewide SUS elections approved and held for a collective bargaining choice for faculty unions. United Faculty of Florida wins in March 1976 statewide elections.
Fifth Dimension (“Up, Up, and Away”) performs at UWF Fieldhouse, Feb 23.
UWF Police have new mascot
University Theatre features “The Crucible” February 1976
UWF announces in March that it has received $25,000 from the Alfred I. DuPont Foundation to establish an endowment for student and faculty exchanges between UWF and the University College, Dublin, Ireland. Endowment to be named Mary Ball Washington Endowment.
Groundbreaking for new swimming pool (Natatorium), March 4, 1976. Student fees paid $400,000 of $577,044 cost.
Ray Oldenburg named Chair of the new combined department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Sciences.
University bookstore shoplifter arrested with heroin.
UWF Theatre features ‘Everyman!’ (March, 1976)
Omega College Technical and Vocational Studies Center dedicated, April 12, 1976. (Bldg. 70)
First collective bargaining negotiations between Board of Regents and the United Faculty of Florida are held; group includes Peggy Toifel, UWF Libraries, and UWF representative.
April 1976, UWF President James A. Robinson announces cessation of varsity sports. Upon recommendations of Vice President for Student Affairs, President Robinson notes excessive costs of intercollegiate athletics and that primary mission of the university is academic. Intramural sports to continue.
University goes metric with establishment of Metrics Lab to assist University and community in preparing for American conversion to metric system.
U.S. Navy announced dissolution of NROTC at UWF effective in 1978.
UWF Founder John C. Pace died at age 77, April 16, 1976.
Marijuana found growing in pots on north foyer of library in the decorative flower plots. 40 pots found, reported by a janitor, and then disappear. Campus spokesperson cites previous instances of individuals attempting t embarass the university.
Nautilus News, UWF’s first television program, aired on May 10.
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare announces approve of University's funding request to create an FM radio station. Request had been submitted in May 1974. One of first steps will be to identify location for and build a tower.
Bob Dylan and Rolling Thunder perform at UWF Fieldhouse, April 28, 1976
University announces plan to conduct a study on the feasibility of contributing to and supporting the restoration of the Saenger Theatre in Pensacola, based on the request of Downtown Improvement Board and the Saenger Restoration Advisory Committee for UWF to contribute $625,000.
Congressman Robert L. F. Sikes and UWF announce the university's selection as one of the six new University Business Development Centers, a program of the Small Business Development Center.
UWF Black Student Union celebrates six years at UWF
Dr. George John Miller, Faculty of Political Science, named UWF’s Second Professor Emeritus. He had been a Rhodes Scholar and was one of the first three UWF faculty to be promoted to professor in 1968. UWF's first Professor Emeritus was nationally-known microbiologist Dr. Roger D. Reid in 1974.
Springcoming held at UWF, May 13-16. Due to weather, events of May 15-16 moved to May 22-23.
The UWF-PJC Charity Day was held at Pensacola Greyhound Races, May 25.
University inaugurates new M.A. in Humanities Interdisciplinary, June 1976.
Malcolm B. Johnson, Editor, Tallhassee Democrat, was commencement speaker on June 12.