Since 1966, the University Archives and West Florida History Center has acquired, cataloged and preserved the history of the University of West Florida and the Florida Panhandle.
A function of a University Archives is to play a role in raising awareness of an institution’s rich history, traditions, and to celebrate those milestones that shape the legacy of an institution’s contributions to the region.
As we approach UWF’s Fiftieth Anniversary of the beginning of classes, it is appropriate to also celebrate the University’s string of Anniversaries, from its first funding, the selection of the campus, the first employees and offices, the first buildings, and other initiatives that lie at the heart of the beginnings
Dean DeBolt
University Archivist
John C. Pace Library
Bldg. 32/006 474-2213
The State Board of Control held a special called meeting in Pensacola at the San Carlos Hotel on May 16, 1963 to make a final site selection for the proposed senior university.