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Scholarly Communication: Publishing - Finding the right journals

Finding the Right Journal

There are a variety of online resources and web sites that allow you to explore a wide variety of journals for publication.  These list may include ope access and APCs.

This page includes a variety of subscription (Cabell's and Web of Science) in addition to freely available sources.

Cabell's Directory

The Source / Cabells Predatory Report Criteria v 1.1

Check Cabell's Directories.

Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities provides journalytics that help you select journals that are most likely to publish your manuscript by providing a journal’s subject emphasis, acceptance rate, and review process.  Subject coverage includes Business, Education, Sciences, Psychology, and Health.

*Of particular importance is the inclusion of the Journal Impact Factor from Journal Citation Reports, when available.  This can give you an idea of the impact of your previous publications.

1. Access Cabell's Directories through the library's Databases A-Z list
2. Enter a journal title or title keyword(s) in the search box
3. Use the Advanced functions to refine your search by Impact Factor, ISSN, publisher, acceptance rate, review type, etc.
4. Click "Journal Details" for specific information about a particular journal 
5. For a side-by-side comparison of multiple journals, click "Compare Journals" under each title you would like to include (the tab will turn green) - then click "Compare" in the pop-up window 


JournalGuide Introduces New Verified Status To Help Researchers Identify  Trusted Journals

The JournalGuide is a free database of journals that allows you to "Search, filter, sort, and compare journals from more than 46,000 titles".  Their goal is to " to bring all sources of data together in one place to give authors a simple way to choose the best journal for their research".

You may search using your manuscript title, keywords from the title, journal name, publisher, or category/subcategory. Includes open access journals and impact factors when available.

The following resources can be used to clarify and confirm information about journals.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

"DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed. All data is freely available." -- About the Directory

Open Access journals serve as an alternative to commercial publishers.  Most have no publication fees and are peer-reviewed before being accepted and  final publication. A In addition they allow authors to upload copies to their institutional repository.


SAGE path >>

"SAGE Path is a free article transfer service that helps authors find the right journal for their manuscript. We give authors the ability to search and refine journals according to their preferences using our Journal Recommender. Once the manuscript has been paired with appropriate journals, SAGE Path offers transfer links for smooth and easy submission."

Note: Some journals may be paused


Sage Publishing. (2022). An Introductioon to SAGE Path.

Journal Author Name Estimator (Jane)


JANE relies on the data in PubMed, which can contain papers from predatory journals, and therefore these journals can appear in JANE's results. To help identify high-quality journals, JANE now tags journals that are currently indexed in MEDLINE, and open access journals approved by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Additional Tools