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SYD 3810: Introduction to Women's Studies


OneSearch is the easiest way to find articles on a particular topic. It brings together results containing books, articles, and other library resources in one powerful search. To limit your search to scholarly articles, click on Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Availability facet on the left side. Use other facets to narrow your results by date, resource type, subject, etc. 



Gender and Social Sciences:


Articles not at UWF

If you need an article that is not available at UWF, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan at no cost.

Articles are delivered electronically to your ILL account, and you will notified when they are received.  Most articles are received in about 24-48 hours, but it can take up to 5 days. 

Google Scholar

Google Scholar allows you to search for scholarly and "grey" literature: articles, books, conference proceedings and presentations, white papers theses, etc., from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, and universities.

Google Scholar Search

Set Google Scholar to link to UWF Libraries resources from off-campus:

  • Click Settings in Google Scholar
  • Click Library Links
  • Type University of West Florida into the box and search
  • Check the UWF boxes
  • Click the blue SAVE button to save these settings

Remember, you need to be logged in through Remote Access to access these resources from off-campus.