Cocoa & Candy Canes Night
Take a break from studying to enjoy some free cocoa & candy canes, courtesy of your favorite library peeps!
7:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor (while supplies last!)
Open Workshop: Career Literacy and Resources for the Workplace
Want to be Employee #1 when you start your career? This workshop will provide tips on processes and resources to help you succeed in the workplace. Learn about RSS feeds and alerts, listservs, professional blogs, trade journals, document sharing, and finding reliable sources of information once you no longer have access to your university library resources. No need to sign up in advance - open workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 30 participants). Email questions to Britt McGowan:
Tuesday, November 18, 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Wednesday, November 19, 4:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
3rd Annual Faculty Publications Reception
Join us to recognize and honor faculty scholarship published in 2014!
4:00pm - 5:30pm @ the Great Good Place (John C. Pace Library, 2nd floor)
THE ABOLITIONISTS: Film Screening & Discussion
Join us for a film screening and discussion of the The Abolitionists, a film that "vividly brings to life the struggles of the men and women who led the battle to end slavery." Dr. Angela Calcaterra, Assistant Professor of English at the University of West Florida, will provide some brief context and lead a short discussion surrounding the film clips.
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014
6:00pm @ Bldg. 58A, Rm.101, UWF Pensacola Campus
Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Sponsored by the UWF Libraries, the African-American Student Association, and the Black Employee Association.
Open Workshop: Citation Chaining
Frustrated by the citation runaround? This workshop will teach you how to track down sources from citations, as well as mine reference pages for additional sources. No need to sign up in advance - open workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 30 participants). Email questions to Britt McGowan:
Tuesday, November 4, 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Wednesday, November 5, 4:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Candy Night
Take a break from studying to enjoy some free candy, courtesy of your favorite library peeps!
7:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor (while supplies last!)
Learn Something Quick! - Find an Article
Drop in anytime during these 2-hour time blocks to learn how to find an article. 10 minutes now could save you a lot more time later!
Monday, October 27, 9:00-11:00am @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor SMART boards
Tuesday, October 28, 1:00-2:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor SMART boards
Open Workshop: Finding Statistics and Data
Want to make sense of all those numbers and data out there? This workshop will introduce you to reliable data sources and demographic statistics, such as Gallup polls, Pew Research, census data, etc. No need to sign up in advance - open workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 30 participants). Email questions to Britt McGowan:
Tuesday, October 21, 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Wednesday, October 22, 11:00am @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Cookie Night
Take a break from studying to enjoy some free cookies, courtesy of your favorite library peeps!
7:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor (while supplies last!)
Library Book Sale
Friday, October 17, 2014, 7:30am - 12:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor
Learn Something Quick! - Find a Book
Drop in anytime during these 2-hour time blocks to learn how to find a book. 10 minutes now could save you a lot more time later!
Tuesday, October 14, 11:00am-1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor SMART boards
Wednesday, October 15, 9:00-11:00am @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor SMART boards
Open Workshop: Critical Thinking and the Media
Tired of being "taken in" by the media? This workshop will show you how to compare images, detect bias, and think critically about media sources. No need to sign up in advance - open workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 30 participants). Email questions to Britt McGowan:
Tuesday, October 7, 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Wednesday, October 8, 11:00am @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Learn Something Quick! - Library Services
Drop in anytime during these 2-hour time blocks to get a quick overview of library services. 10 minutes now could save you a lot more time later!
Tuesday, September 30, 4:00-6:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor SMART boards
Wednesday, October 1, 2:00-4:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor SMART boards
Skylab Open House
Come see all UWF Libraries Skylab has to offer and check out the BEST view on campus!
10:00am-12:30pm @ SkyLab (John C. Pace Library, 5th floor)
Open Workshop: Google Advanced
Want to learn how to use Google for academic research? This workshop will show you how to limit searches, search particular collections, and evaluate what you find. No need to sign up in advance - open workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 30 participants). Email questions to Britt McGowan:
Tuesday, September 23, 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Wednesday, September 24, 11:00am @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Cookie Night
Take a break from studying to enjoy some free cookies, courtesy of your favorite library peeps!
7:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor (while supplies last!)
Library Orientation
Want to learn how to use the libarry? Join us for an open orientation. No need to sign up in advance - workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 30 participants). Email questions to Britt McGowan:
Wednesday, September 3, 3:00-4:00pm @ John C. Pace Library classroom (room 123)
Welcome Week 2014
Come learn all about your library and enjoy some free cookies, courtesy of your wonderful library peeps!
Monday, August 25, 9:00am - 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor (while supplies last!)
Tuesday, August 26, 9:00am - 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor (while supplies last!)
Donut Night
Take a break from studying for finals to enjoy some donuts, courtesy of your beloved library peeps!
7:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor (while supplies last!)
Let's Talk About It: Muslim Journeys - Closing Program
Dr. Rebecca Williams, Associate Professor of History at the University of South Alabama, will lead and discuss readings of Islamic poetry from different periods.
6:30pm @ the Great Good Place (John C. Pace Library, 2nd floor)
Free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the UWF Libraries, UWF Muslim Student Association, UWF Bangladeshi Student Association, the Islamic Center of Northwest Florida, and the West Florida Public Library.
More info: and
**this event is brought to you as part of National Library Week and National Poetry Month
Edible Book Contest
Everyone is invited to participate in our 4th annual edible book contest. Make something edible based on your favotire book or character, let everyone vote for their favorites, then help us eat the spoils! Please bring your edible book to the Circulation Desk by 9:30am.
VOTING: 10:00am - 12:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor
EATING: 12:00pm - until supplies last (usually about 10 minutes!!)
**this event is brought to you as part of National Library Week
READ posters
Don't miss this photo opp!!
Pose for your very own READ poster (several backgrounds to choose from), and while you're here, enjoy some complimentary popcorn and lemonade.
11:00am - 1:00pm @ John C. Pace Library, 1st floor
**this event is brought to you as part of National Library Week
UWF Chautauqua Series: An Evening with Louisa May Alcott
Our UWF Libraries University Archivist, Mr. Dean DeBolt, has prepared an event for each of you! Please come and join us at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 14 in the UWF Commons Auditorium for our last in the UWF Chautauqua Series 2013-2014: An Evening with Louisa May Alcott.
Louisa May Alcott is portrayed by Jan Turnquist, Executive Director of the Orchard House, the Alcott Home in Concord, Massachusetts. Jan has portrayed Ms. Alcott for over twenty years throughout the United States, the Chautaquas, and even an appearance for First Lady Laura Bush upon the naming of the Orchard House as one of America's Treasures. For more information, contact Dean DeBolt at or #850-474-2213.
Free and Open to the Public!
Festival of the Green Library Book Sale
Friday, April 4: 7:30am - 11:00am (UWF preview only)
Friday, April 4: 11:00am - 4:00pm (open to all)
Saturday, April 5, 8:00am - 1:00pm (open to all)
Let's Talk About It: Muslim Journeys - lecture and discussion of In an Antique Land
Dr. Rebecca Williams, Associate Professor of History at the University of South Alabama, will provide a brief lecture and lead a discussion of Amitav Ghosh's In an Antique Land. This is the last in a 5-part book discussion series. Copies of the books are available at the UWF Libraries (print and kindle), the West Florida Public Library, and the Islamic Center of Northwest Florida.
6:30pm @ the Great Good Place (John C. Pace Library, 2nd floor)
Free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the UWF Libraries, UWF Muslim Student Association, UWF Bangladeshi Student Association, the Islamic Center of Northwest Florida, and the West Florida Public Library.
More info: and
3D Printing Launch Party
Come check out the library's new 3D printing and scanning services, focused on supporting innovative instruction and providing UWF students, faculty and staff the opportunity to learn about this technology and create 3D objects.
10:30am - 12:00pm @ the SkyLab (John C. Pace Library, 5th floor)
More info: and
A Day in Ancient Rome
Presented by Dr. Marie-Therese Champagne (Department of History) and Dr. Kristina Killgrove (Department of Anthropology) and their students.
9:00am - 6:00pm @ the Great Good Place (John C. Pace Library, 2nd floor)
Interactive demonstrations, displays, and presentations will be held every half hour during the day:
This event is OPEN TO ALL and FREE OF CHARGE.
The day will close with an AIA open meeting at 5pm and guest lecture on Roman Houses & Dining by Dr. Kara Burns (University of South Alabama)
Let's Talk About It: Muslim Journeys - lecture and discussion of Leo Africanus
Dr. Rebecca Williams, Associate Professor of History at the University of South Alabama, will provide a brief lecture and lead a discussion of Amin Maalouf's Leo Africanus. This is the fourth in a 5-part book discussion series. Copies of the books are available at the UWF Libraries (print and kindle), the West Florida Public Library, and the Islamic Center of Northwest Florida.
7:30pm @ the Islamic Center of Northwest Florida (3445 E. Johnson Ave., Pensacola, FL 32514)
Free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the UWF Libraries, UWF Muslim Student Association, UWF Bangladeshi Student Association, the Islamic Center of Northwest Florida, and the West Florida Public Library.
More info: and
Let's Talk About It: Muslim Journeys - film screening and discussion of Prince Among Slaves
Dr. Rebecca Williams, Associate Professor of History at the University of South Alabama, will lead a discussion after a screening of Prince Among Slaves.
6:30pm @ the West Florida Public Library (downtown branch, 239 North Spring St.)
Free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the UWF Libraries, UWF Muslim Student Association, UWF Bangladeshi Student Association, the Islamic Center of Northwest Florida, and the West Florida Public Library.
More info: and