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SPC 2608: Public Speaking

This guide will help you find, evaluate, and incorporate research into your informative and persuasive speeches.

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Finding Statistics

Sometimes nothing backs up your points like a hard number or statistic. Below are some credible websites to find polling information and statistics.

Newspaper Databases

Newspapers can be a good way to find information on a local topic. Be careful, however! Newspapers are NOT considered scholarly sources, so make sure you are allowed to use newspaper articles in your speech before you do so.

Evaluating Internet Sources

Use the CRAAP test for evaluating websites:

  • C - currency
  • R - relevance
  • A - authority
  • A - accuracy
  • P - purpose

Use Google Advanced to find authoritative online sources (websites). Enter your search term(s) and limit domain to .edu or .gov.

Pro Tip: in general, your instructors do not consider e-journals and e-books to be online sources (the internet is your means of access)