These library databases are particularly useful for finding details on the specific issues representing the environmental PESTLE analysis. General trends are usually found in the databases:
When you have determined the trends that you wish to get additional information for, use the following databases. Some sample searches in Business Source Complete or ABI/Inform Global might be:
airline industry AND (social OR society)
banking AND tax laws
Indexing and abstracts for tens of thousands of business publications; cover to cover full-text content from thousands of journals & magazines, including: Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Administrative Science Quarterly, MIS Quarterly and many other important titles. Extensive full-text archives (e.g., Harvard Business Review is available from 1922 to present — it is not in JSTOR). Cited references for more than 1,300 journals
CQ Researcher is often the first source that librarians recommend when researchers are seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. CQ Researcher is noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the economy. Reports are published weekly in print and online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications.
MarketLine Advantage holds large volumes of data on a wide range of companies, industries, financial deals, and geographies from credible and recognized sources. Whether you are writing an assignment for Economics 101 or completing your latest research paper, MarketLine Advantage takes you quickly to the information through an interactive platform with an intuitive interface. MarketLine contains over 6,000 industry profiles, 100,000 company reports including SWOT analyses, Case Studies and Country reports including PESTLE analyses.
The American Economic Association's source of references to economic literature. A source of citations and full text to economic research dating back to 1969. It provides comprehensive information on accounting, capital markets, econometrics, and economic forecasting.
National Bureau of Economic Research data, working papers, and extensive research on economics topics including health care, international trade, productivity, aging, and corporate finance.
Statista integrates data on over 80.000 topics from over 18.000 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets.
Access a demographic report on any geography – or compare multiple geographies - for information including income, housing, race, age, education, retail spending, consumer expenditures, businesses and more.
Interactive data, charts and tables can be downloaded; the ability to download in a variety of formats including Word, PDF, Excel and PowerPoint to reduce time needed to reformat or manipulate our data for your needs; a new SWOT analysis section to help you understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing an industry; a new Technology & Systems section that helps you compare the industry’s disruptive innovation against the economy average, allowing you to benchmark the industry’s performance.
Access to primary and secondary legal resources including codes, statutes, cases and law reviews.
Indexing and abstracts for tens of thousands of business publications; cover to cover full-text content from thousands of journals & magazines, including: Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Administrative Science Quarterly, MIS Quarterly and many other important titles. Extensive full-text archives (e.g., Harvard Business Review is available from 1922 to present — it is not in JSTOR). Cited references for more than 1,300 journals