Demographic Yearbook. Irregular, 1948-2002. (Ref. JX 1977 A2 ST SOA XX D383)
A comprehensive collection of international demographic statistics prepared by the United Nations. Includes a world summary of base demographic statistics as well as marriage and divorce statistics of 220 countries.
Countries and Their Cultures. 2001.
Surveys each country's shared values, behaviors and cultural variations from foods and rituals to pastimes and arts, using a standard entry format for easy comparison.
The Europa World Year Book. 2 vols. Annual. (Ref. Desk JN 1 E85 & FWB)
A statistical survey of each country of the world which includes a directory of international organizations.
European Union statistics on population demographics, economic indicators and industrial production.
Global Data Locator. 1997. (Ref. HA 36 K87 1997 & FWB)
An index to 240 statistical publications containing useful statistics on numerous topics including international demographics. Descriptive reviews of each publication areincluded.
The Handbook of National Population Censuses: Europe. 1992. (Ref. HA 37 E93 G69)
A country-by-country and year-by-year description of the various censuses produced by each country. Includes discussions of the quality of each census as well as publication plans for the future. See also Handbook of National Population Censuses: Africa and Asia (Ref. HA 37 A33 D65 1986), and The Handbook of National Population Censuses: Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America and Oceania (Ref. HA 36 G67 1983).
International Historical Statisitics: The Americas, 1750-1993. 1998. (Ref. HA 175 M55 1998)
A compilation of time series statistics on North and South America which includes meteorology, demographics, labor and industry, economics, agriculture, and education. See also International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia & Oceania (Ref. HA 4675 M55 1998) and International Historical Statistics: Europe 1750-1993 (Ref. HA 1107 M5 1998).
National Trade Data Bank. Monthly. (THRU EDS and DEFUNCT)
A massive database containing over 100,000 documents compiled by 15 federal agencies. Includes many full-text documents covering economic time series as well as back-ground statistics on individual countries. You must be logged by a librarian to use this database.
Statistical Abstract of Latin America. Annual. Irregular, 1967-1989. (Ref. HA 935 S8)
A collection of tables summarizing the socioeconomic and political characteristics of the twenty-four independent nations of Latin America. See also Statistical Yearbook for Latin America (Ref. HA 755 A58).
Statistical Abstract of the World. 1997. (Ref. HA 154 S68 1997 & FWB)
Statistics on 188 countries are provided which detail each country's geography,demographics, healthcare, government, science and technology, and trade.
Statistical Handbook on the World's Children. 2002. (Ref. HQ 767.9 K38 & FWB)
Subtitled "Demographics and Vital Statistics."
Statistical Yearbook. Statistical Office. Annual. Irregular. 1956-2002. (Ref. JX 1977 A2 ST STAT XX S79)
A compendium of United Nations statistics on the socioeconomic characteristics of the various regions and countries of the world. For additional demographic, educational and cultural statistics produced by UNESCO see Statistical Yearbook Annuario Estadistico(Ref. AZ 361 U45).
Statistics on Children in UNICEF Assisted Countries. 1992. (Ref. HQ 767.9 S733)
Portrays a statistical portrait of children in UNICEF assisted countries. Includes detailed background statistics on each country and makes projections through the year 2000.
The World Almanac and Book of Facts. Annual. (Ref. Desk AY 67 N5 W7 & Online & FWB)
Included in this source of international facts is a wealth of statistics with an emphasis on the United States. Available on microfiche 1868-1950, in the reference book stacks (Ref. AY 67 N5 W7). See also Whitaker's Almanac (Ref. AY 754 W5).
The World Factbook. Annual. (Gov. Doc. PREX 3.15: & Online & FWB)
Basic facts on each country are presented, including population, labor, literacy and ethnic divisions.
World Population Projections. 1992/93. (Ref. HA 154 W66)
Subtitled "Estimates and Projections with Related Demographic Statistics," This is a geographically arranged collection of World Bank statistics on population growth. See also World Population Growth and Aging (Ref. HA 155 K49 1990)