There are many reference materials containing information on physical chemistry that may be identified in the Online Catalog and in OneSearch. This list provides some of them:
Aldrich Products. Current.
Biophysical Chemistry. James P. Allen, 2008 (QD476.2.A44 2008)
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, published annually (Ref. QD 65 .H3)
Hutchinson Pocket Dictionary of Chemistry. 2004. (Ebook)
Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, 2002, 7th ed.(QD 453.3 .A74 2002) 2014 edition on order
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice: Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments. 2013 (QD281.P6 P65 2013)
Tables of Spectral Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds , Pretsch et al., 1983,(QC 462.85 .T313 1983)
Oxford Chemistry Primers is a series that introduces chemistry topics in short texts. Due to the diverse nature of this series, each title is cataloged separately according to subject. This useful series has excellent coverage of physical chemistry:
Foundations of physical chemistry Lawrence, Charles P. (QD453.2 .L38 1996)
Foundations of physical chemistry: worked examples Lawrence, Nathan. (QD453.2 .L38 1999)
Mechanisms of organic reactions Maskill, Howard. (QD476 .M2947 1999)
Quantum mechanics 1: foundations Green, N. J. B. (QC174.12 .G72 1997)
Statistical thermodynamics Maczek, Andrew. (QD504 .M23 1998)