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Multicultural Studies

Finding Books

For information on how to locate books in the library, use the Locating Books guide.
UWF students who live over 50 miles from the UWF campus may request that books be delivered by mail.

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UBorrow allows you to request print books directly from Florida’s state universities and colleges. This unmediated borrowing service increases your access to the book collections of these institutions and usually delivers more quickly than standard Interlibrary Loan.

Make sure you log in with your Argonet credentials in the top right corner of the Primo VE page. Select Statewide Catalog from the dropdown menu in the search box. Use the UBorrow Request link in the catalog record, then click the green Send button at the bottom of the submission form. You will receive an email when the book arrives and is ready for pick-up at the library's Information Desk. 

The loan period for UBorrow items is 45 days from the time the item arrives on campus, and you may request one 30-day renewal. UBorrow renewals are placed exactly like UWF book renewals. Select My Loans from the dropdown menu in your profile, then click Renew. UBorrow renewals must be placed before the due date, and you will receive an email notification with the new due date or a request denial. UBorrow books should be returned to the Information Desk.

Notes and Reminders:

  • e-books and other media are not available through UBorrow
  • do not remove the UBorrow paperwork attached to the book(s)
  • you will be fined for all overdue, lost, and damaged UBorrow loans

UBorrow - Statewide Union Catalog
Search for materials across all 40 Florida state universities and public colleges.

If you need a book that is not available at UWF, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.  Most books are received in about 2 weeks, and you will be notified when they are available for you to pick up at the Reference desk.

To identify books on your topic that UWF doesn't own, try searching WorldCat (in Databases A-Z list), a catalog of materials at universities, community colleges, public libraries, and other library agencies throughout the United States and internationally.

For more information, watch this brief InterLibrary Loan video.


We have over 160,000 ebooks in our collections.  Links to many of these titles are included in OneSearch and the library catalog, but you may also search online book collections directly.

UWF Databases: 

Online Sites:

Background Sources

The following print sources are located in the Reference collection on the first floor. Additional titles can be identified by searching the library catalog. There are also over 800 reference titles available in our online reference database CREDO, linked below.

Bibliographical Guide to African-American Women Writers. 1993. (Ref. PS 153 .N5 J67 1993)
Bibliography of the Chickasaw.
Black American Writers, 1773-1949: A Bibliography and Union List.
1975. (Ref. Z 1361 .N39 M35)
The Native American in American Literature: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography. 1985. (Ref. PS173 .I6 R6 1985)
Native American Periodicals and Newspapers, 1828-1982: Bibliography, Publishing Record, and Holdings. 1984. (Ref. E77 .D28)
Sourcebook for Hispanic Literature and Language: A Selected, Annotated Guide to Spanish, Spanish-American, and United States Hispanic Bibliography, Literature, Linguistics, Journals, and Other Source Materials. 1995. (Ref. PC 4071 .B5 1995)
Women Authors of Modern Hispanic South America: A Bibliography of Literary Criticism and Interpretation. 1989. (Ref. PQ 7081 .C9 1989)

Aggression and Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia.
1994. (Ref. HM 136 .L46 1994)
Dictionary of Asian-American History. 1986. (Ref. E 184.O6 D53 1986)
Dictionary of Chicano Folklore. 2000. (Ref. GR 111 .M49 C37 2000)
Dictionary of Daily Life of Indians of the Americas. 1982. (Ref. E54.5 .D53)
Dictionary of Native American Mythology. 1992. (Ref. E98 .R3 G46 1992)
Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations. 1994. (Stacks GN 496 .C37 1994)
Encyclopedia de la Cultura Espanola. 1962-68. (Ref. DP 12 .E5)
Encyclopedia of African-American Civil Rights: From Emancipation to the Present. 1992. (Ref. E 185.61 .E54 1992)
Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History. 1996. (Ref. E 185 .E54 1996)
The Encyclopedia of African-American Heritage. 1997. (Ref. E 185 .A455 1997)
Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism. 1994. (Ref. E 184 .A1 E58 1994)
Encyclopedia of the Peoples of the World. 1993. (GN 495.4 .E53 1993)
Ethnic Relations: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. 1994. (Ref. GN 496 .L48 1994)
Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian. 1995. (Ref. E76.2 .R43 1995)

African-American Almanac. 1994. (Ref. E 185 .A37 1994)
African-American Book of Lists. 1997. (Ref. E 185 .A2524 1997)
Chronology of African-American History: Significant Events and People From 1619 to the Present. 1991. (Ref. E 185 .H64 1991)
Ethnic Groups Worldwide: A Ready Reference Handbook.
1998. (Ref. GN 325 L46)
Handbook of the American Frontier: Four Centuries of Indian-White Relationships. 1987. (Ref. E 76.2 .H43 1987)
Hispanic-American Almanac. 1993. (Ref. E 184 .S75 H557)
Routes to Slavery: Direction, Ethnicity, and Mortality in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. 1997 (HT 1322 .R65 1997)
Voices of Multicultural America: Notable Speeches Delivered by African, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans, 1790-1995. 1996. (Ref. PS 663 .M55 V64 1996)

American FactFinder (U.S. Census)
American Indians and Crime
Ancestry of the Population of the United States
Black Population in the United States
Employment and Unemployment in Families by Race and Hispanic Origin
Foreign and Multicultural Population Statistics
Hispanic Americans: A Statistical Sourcebook. 1991. (Ref. E 184 .S75 H5655)
Nations within a Nation: Historical Statistics of American Indians. 1987. (Ref. E 77 .S924 1987)
Statistical Abstract of the United States. 2003. (Ref. HA 202 .U58) Statistical Abstract of the World. 3rd ed. 1997. (Ref. HA 154 .S68) Statistical Handbook on U.S. Hispanics. 1991. (Ref. E 184 .S75 S27 1991)