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Online Learners Library Guide: Find Articles

Information for students who take classes online

OneSearch (Includes articles, books, DVDs, music, etc.) (PrimoVE)


Databases identify journal articles, books, conference proceedings, reports, and other materials. There are three ways to find databases on the library homepage:

OneSearch - provides a comprehensive search of many databases and other resources. It is a great place to begin your research, but remember there are many specialized databases that provide even more depth in particular topics.

Research Guides - links to over 100 subject guides in areas taught at UWF. Provides access to relevant databases and other research sources in these subject areas.

Databases by Subject - lists subjects and representative databases that are relevant to those subjects.

A-Z Database List - lists over 300 databases alphabetically by title and by subject

Articles not at UWF

Request the article from Interlibrary Loan if it is not available at UWF

Articles are delivered electronically from libraries owning the journal

You will be emailed when they articles are available

Interlibrary Loan is free and takes around 5 days for articles to arrive


Managing Citations

Use Zotero to manage citations from journals, books, documents, and internet sites.

First time users will need to create an account which will permit a user to store citations indefinitely for repeated use. 

Once records are in Zotero, they can be added to folders, and bibliographies can be created in a preferred style.

Use the Zotero Guide to learn more about this useful database.


Steps for Finding Articles

Locate a database from the list to the below (e.g., Biological Abstracts)

Search the database with keywords using filters to limit dates, types of resources, other terms, etc.

Use the full-text links (pdf versions are preferred) within the database to view article

Use  or to link to full-text articles available in other databases

Check the list of e-journals and the library catalog to make sure UWF does not own the journal you need 

If we don't have the journal/article you need you can do an Inter Library Loan (ILL) and we'll get it for you.  For more information go to ILL

Accessing Library Resources from Off Campus

Many of our resources may be accessed only by current UWF students, faculty, and staff.  For Remote Access (off-campus), we must authenticate you as a valid UWF user before connecting you to these resources.  Click the Access tab on the library home page to log in using your Argonet credentials.  When the Access tab is GREEN, you have full access.  If the tab is RED, you are not logged in to the library's proxy server. 

Portion of the UWF Library website showing whether a user is logged in.