Broad spectrum of industry, company and investment analysis including Industry Surveys, 10K reports with management analysis, and Equity Research (formerly Stock Reports). Industry data sets include key ratios, benchmarks, constituents, financial metrics, etc. by sub-industry or geography (see Markets tab). Archived Industry Surveys included as far back as 1999 depending upon title continuity. Company data covers a global universe of over 3 million private and public companies.
Interactive data, charts and tables can be downloaded; the ability to download in a variety of formats including Word, PDF, Excel and PowerPoint to reduce time needed to reformat or manipulate our data for your needs; a new SWOT analysis section to help you understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing an industry; a new Technology & Systems section that helps you compare the industry’s disruptive innovation against the economy average, allowing you to benchmark the industry’s performance.
MarketLine Advantage holds large volumes of data on a wide range of companies, industries, financial deals, and geographies from credible and recognized sources. Whether you are writing an assignment for Economics 101 or completing your latest research paper, MarketLine Advantage takes you quickly to the information through an interactive platform with an intuitive interface. MarketLine contains over 6,000 industry profiles, 100,000 company reports including SWOT analyses, Case Studies and Country reports including PESTLE analyses.
Conduct company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research with information from these sources: Hoover's Company Profiles - covering 40,000 global public and non-public companies including financials, competitors, officers, and more; OxResearch - succinct articles covering regional economic and political developments of significance; US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports from Barnes Reports - covering global industries in depth; and Snapshots - market research overviews on 40+ industries and 40 countries.