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UWF Core Teaching Skills Resources

This guide features a collection of resources to assist teacher candidates in implementing the core teaching skills: Differentiation, Assessment, Classroom Management, and Questioning and Feedback to Students.


Classrooms today are far more diverse than in years past.  Teachers must know how and be prepared to differentiate for the learning needs of their students in all aspects of the instructional process.  According to the Danielson Framework for Teaching (2013), teachers must possess knowledge of the individual needs of their students (Component 1b), set differentiated instructional outcomes (Component 1c), design instruction for individual learners (Component 1e), adapt assessments of individuals to identify misunderstandings for future instruction (Components 1f and 3d), respond to student misbehavior in a manner that is sensitive to individual needs and respects dignity (Component 2d), and remain flexible and highly responsive to individual students’ needs, interests and questions, while adjustmenting instructional goals to ensure the success of all students (Component 3e).

Differentiation can occur within the Content, Process, or Product of instruction:

  • Content: information the students must learn

  • Process: activities students use to learn the content

  • Product: how students go about demonstrating their learning

Teachers can also incorporate elements of the Universal Design for Learning framework in their lesson planning to reduce curricular barriers that inhibit learning of those with diverse academic needs.  Instruction can be adjusted under the three Principles of UDL by using:

  • Multiple Means of Engagement (the why of learning): altering the ways in which students are engaged in or motivated to learn

  • Multiple Means of Representation (the what of learning): altering the ways in which students perceive or comprehend information that is presented

  • Multiple Means of Action & Expression (the how of learning): altering the ways in which students express what they know